Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong disease where our pancreas fails to make insulin or make very little insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps sugar (Glucose) enter into your blood to make energy.
Usually Type 1 diabetes is diagnosed in teenagers and adults that’s why it is also known as juvenile diabetes, but it does not mean it cannot appear in adults, type 1 diabetes can also appear among adults.
Type 1 Diabetes Causes:
The main cause of type 1 diabetes is still undefined, but experts say an autoimmune disorder causes that type 1 diabetes. Our body attacks itself by mistake and destroys the insulin-making pancreas.
The other reasons that cause type 1 diabetes are Genetics and Viruses that trigger it. Genetics is the main reason for type 1 among children.
Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis:
How will you know if you have type 1 diabetes? You cannot confirm type 1 diabetes just based on symptoms or high blood sugar levels. Diagnosis of type 1 diabetes can be done by certain blood tests like, C-peptide, and Autoantibody testing.
C-peptide test: C-peptide is a substance that is made when insulin is produced and released into the body. This test indicates that your body is producing insulin and measures the level of connecting peptides (C-peptide) in blood and urine. A C-peptide test is done to differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Normally C-peptide increases with the weight and age of a healthy non-diabetic person.
However, in the case of diabetic patients, it decreased over time. If your C-peptide result is below 0.6 ng/mL (0.2 nmol/L) then you might be a type 1 diabetic patient and if your level is above this range, then you might be a type 2 diabetic patient.
Autoantibody testing: Autoantibody are antibodies that kill germs but sometimes it may destroy normal things like insulin or factors related to insulin which might lead to diabetes.
Some of the antibody tests are Islet cell cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ICA), Glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies (GADA), Insulinoma-associated-2 autoantibodies (IA-2A), Insulin autoantibodies (IAA). If any of these tests are at a high level, then you may have type 1 diabetes or have the chance of developing it.
Always remember type 1 diabetic patients need to manage their diet and blood sugar properly. Any careless step may have consequences and always Keep in touch with your doctor for proper guidance.
Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes

Now we know the causes and diagnosis of type 1 diabetics, but the question arises can we reverse it, is there any permanent cure for type 1 diabetes? The short answer is No, we cannot reverse type 1 diabetes, but we can manage it by balancing the dose of insulin and blood sugar level, how are you going to manage it?
To manage juvenile diabetes, you can follow the below guidelines.
Manage Type 1 Diabetes
To manage diabetes, you must have to be disciplined. Unlike any guidance, you have to be responsible for diabetes management.
- To manage type 1 diabetes, you need to take insulin injections or pumps at prescribed times a day. So, a balance between insulin level and sugar level is maintained. Everybody wants an insulin pill so that they don't have to inject it but it is not possible to take insulin tablets because acid in your stomach will destroy it before the pill gets a chance to enter your bloodstream.
- We know it's hard to live with diabetes but if you start taking stress then it would be difficult to manage diabetes. Try to manage your stress and live a happy life.
- You need to check your blood sugar level daily and remain in touch with your doctor. you should check your sugar level regularly and maintain it in the target range. Always try hard to maintain blood sugar levels as close to target as possible. If it is not maintained then there will be more complications, which we will discuss.
One more question: Can type 1 diabetes be treated without insulin? The answer is No, you cannot treat diabetes type 1 without insulin you cannot even manage it if you stop taking insulin.
One last thing before following any guidelines, consult your doctor first or you can book a Consultation with our experts.
Complications of Type 1 Diabetes
There are a lot of problems that come along with diabetes but usually, they are seen if blood sugar is not managed. Problems that are caused by type 1 diabetes are heart diseases, kidney diseases, foot ulcers, nerve damage, skin problems, and Problems in hearing and eyes. These are some of the physical challenges that type 1 diabetic patients face.
Ultimately, you have to be disciplined to manage any type of diabetes. It’s your hard work that matters the most and keep in touch with your doctor more often to check your blood sugar level and any improvement in your condition. To learn more about diabetes, you can reach out to our YouTube channel Diabexy. If you want to know the difference between type1 and type 2 diabetes click on the link.