Recognizing Early Signs of Diabetes and Prevention Strategies
In previous blog, Side Effects of Cholesterol Medicine | Actual cause of High Cholesterol, we discussed main reason of high cholesterol and side effects of medicines. In today's blog, we aim to shed light on signs and symptoms that could indicate the possibility of developing diabetes in the future. Diabexy envisions a diabetes-free India by 2047 and focuses on empowering individuals with knowledge and discipline to prevent the onset of this condition.
Understanding Diabetes Types:
- diabetes constitutes about 10% of cases, where the pancreas cannot produce insulin.
- Approximately 10% of people face challenges in diabetes reversal due to weak pancreas function caused by medication side effects.
- The remaining 80% experience reversible diabetes due to insulin resistance.

Signs of Future Diabetes:
In this blog, we aim to predict the likelihood of future diabetes onset by identifying three key signs.
1) Acanthosis Nigricans (Black Skin Lines):
- A dark line behind the neck or beside the eye, known as Acanthosis Nigricans, indicates developing insulin resistance.
- The black line results from the interaction of glucose and protein, suggesting a potential risk of diabetes.
2) Skin Tags and Dark Spots:
Skin tags and dark spots, particularly from knee to foot, signify high insulin resistance and a heightened risk of diabetes.

Symptoms of Insulin Resistance:
Although these three symptoms are present, we can infer that diabetes may be looming on the horizon.
1) "Angry when Hungry": Delayed meals leading to irritability or difficulty concentrating can be indicative of insulin resistance. Insulin spikes when hungry, causing hypoglycemia symptoms like anger, foggy thinking, and food cravings.

2) Post-Meal Fatigue: Feeling sleepy or tired after meals may indicate insulin resistance, affecting the body's ability to utilize glucose efficiently.

3) Constant Cravings: An ongoing desire for sweets, pakoras, or samosas could be a sign of insulin resistance and potential diabetes risk.

Additional Indicators of Insulin Resistance:
- Insulin Type of Tummy: A balloon-shaped tummy, disproportionate to the rest of the body, may indicate high insulin resistance.
- Obesity: Being overweight by 10-15 kg suggests a likelihood of insulin resistance. For a detail research, you can read blog, Diabetes cause Weight Gain to some & Loss to others | Connection between Obesity & Diabetes.
- Associated Health Conditions: High insulin resistance may lead to elevated cholesterol levels and higher blood pressure, even in the absence of diabetes. There is a connection between high Insulin and high cholesterol, which is elaborated in Real cause of Diabetes | Does Insulin Resistance Causes Diabetes, blog.

There is no fixed sequence, but if there is a higher level of insulin resistance in the body, there may be a chance of experiencing any one of these symptoms.
Checking Insulin Levels:
Fasting blood tests can determine insulin levels. A formula, Insulin Resistance = Fasting blood sugar level * Fasting Insulin level/405, categorizes the severity of insulin resistance.
Range of Insulin Resistance:
- No Insulin Resistance (0.5 -1.49)2)
- Moderate Insulin Resistance (1.5 - 2.5)
- More Insulin Resistance Severe (2.5 - More)
In the case of overweight, irritations of hunger, tummy bloating, black spots and black line skin moreover, if Insulin resistance is severe then there is a high chance for Diabetes. For detail information whether diabetes is type-1 or type-2 you can follow What is the difference between Type 1 and type 2 Diabetes, this blog.
Diabexy offers free consultations and low-carb products to support those with insulin resistance, aiming to prevent the progression to diabetes.
In conclusion, being aware of these signs and symptoms, along with proactive measures, can contribute to a healthier lifestyle and reduce the risk of diabetes. Diabexy stands as a valuable resource in achieving this goal.