EGL Chart - A Handy Guide in Your Phone for Choosing the Right Food for Sugar Control
In this blog we will discuss about what to eat and avoid in Diabetes and how a Glycemic Index Food diet chart can help you to decide the best diet plan for Diabetics. Diabetes is a chronic health condition that occurs when the body is unable to properly regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels.

Living with diabetes is a tough journey, and choosing the right meal becomes tougher because the wrong food can shoot up the blood glucose levels. Imagine if you could predict the blood sugar rise with every food you eat. wow. That would be fantastic.
Diabexy’s EGL Chart is that guide, it can help you predict the rise of blood glucose 2 hours after eating that food.
What is the EGL Value Chart
DIABEXY’S EGL Chart is based on a very scientific parameter of food science. This parameter is called the glycemic load of food or the glucose load of food items. You might have heard of the glycemic index but might not of glycemic load. Let me tell you the difference.
The glycemic index is a fixed value of food that does not change with quantity, but glycemic load is a variable value that changes with the quantity of food consumed. The glycemic index says with what speed it will increase the blood sugar value in comparison to pure glucose but never says how much it will increase.
The glycemic index is a relative speed in comparison to glucose. The glycemic index of a food item is 65, which means it will go with 65% speed of pure glucose because the glycemic index of glucose is 100. So glycemic index is a relative speed.

The glycemic load is the food parameter which says how much pure glucose is present in each quantity of food. One glycemic load means it carries one gram of glucose. If we say that 100g of wheat flour has an EGL of 50 then this means that 100g of wheat flour will give out 50g of glucose in blood. If we consume 20g of wheat flour it will give 10g glucose and if we consume 200g then it will give 100g glucose hence the glycemic load value will increase as per the quantity of food consumed.
Interpretation of EGL Value
In the literal sense, if insulin is absent then 1g glucose will increase 20mg/dl of blood sugar. So 100g wheat atta having a 50 EGL value, has the potential to increase blood sugar by 1000mg/dl. The EGL value is the perfect guide to help you maintain your diet for perfect sugar management.
The EGL Chart has a color code of green, yellow, and red. Green indicates good for eating, yellow indicates use it occasionally, and red indicates don't use it. So now choose your food wisely because it influences your blood sugar readings.
The EGL Chart also contains a lot of other information like the BMI Chart, HbA1c chart, and many formulas for calculating insulin resistance and beta cell activity.
The BMI Chart –
This chart guides you to keep your weight under the green range because this helps in the reversal of diabetes.
The HbA1c Chart –
The goal of the diabetes reversal program is to keep your average blood sugar values under non-diabetic parameters. Always keep a check and manage your EGL of daily diet below 25 so that a non-diabetic range of HbA1c is achieved.
The Gluco-data Chart -
Maintaining the blood sugar under control after the meal and recording the impact of every meal you must keep a record. The Gluco-data gives easy-to-understand data for diet correction.
Please download the EGL chart and use it to your benefit in maintaining a proper diet.